Charlie Mackender

About Us
The owners of Cloverleigh Kennels are experienced dog handlers who have been involved in the care, training and behaviour of dogs for many years. They pride themselves on their ethos that the dogs in their care, will be treated as though they are their own and will ensure that your dog’s physical and emotional needs are catered for during their stay.

Charlie has owned, bred and trained working gundogs for the past 45 years. Prior to opening the kennels in 2008, Charlie spent all his working life as a professional game keeper where he worked his dogs to a high standard in a variety of disciplines. His kind; fair and effective approach to training has earned him a wealth of respect, especially when working up to five dogs in the beating line whilst running a professional shoot day.
He shares the view of the modern day dog trainer that rewarding the dog for good behaviour is the key to a happy pet who is keen to please.
Charlie has a great enthusiasm to continually develop his knowledge and experience. He has recently attended a Clicker Gundog workshop with renowned gundog trainer Helen Philips.
Our regular boarders love him and work constantly to earn a biscuit from his bottomless pockets.

Charlie & HIS Gun Dogs

Yvonne mackender dIPcabt (rqf level 6)

COAPE Certified Animal Behaviourist (CCAB)
Member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers MAPDT 253
FitPAWS Master Trainer & Certified Canine Fitness Trainer (University of Tennessee)
Yvonne is a COAPE Certified Animal Behaviourist having achieved an Ofqual regulated Level 6 Diploma in Companion Animal Behaviour Therapy, Psychopharmacology and Therapeutics (DipCABT RQF Level 6) and a Certificate in Companion Animal Nutrition (Cert Nut RQF Level 3).
These academic qualifications are paired with a wealth of experience gained from living with a number of rescue dogs, over 30 teaching people to train their dogs, and 16 years working as a local authority dog warden.
Yvonne takes a holistic approach towards her work and believes that the emotional well-being of the animal is as important as its physical well-being. Physical problems (pain) often underpin behavioural problems and so Yvonne has trained with the University of Tennessee where she has qualified as a Certified Canine Fitness Trainer and is also a FitPAWS Master Trainer.
Yvonne is former Chair of the COAPE Association of Applied Pet Behaviourists and Trainers (CAPBT) and owner of the Centre of Applied Pet Ethology - COAPE UK.
cloverleigh dog boarding kennels
A relaxing holiday for your dog...


Yvonne and Charlie Mackender are licensed by East Cambridgeshire District Council
- licence number 18/00848/ANIMAL and have achieved a 5* Rating